BCCCD has ended
Welcome to BCCCD 21! We want to make it easy for you to find presentations that you’re interested in and put them together into a schedule; Sched is a scheduling tool that we hope will help with this.

Below you can see a list of all the presentations happening at the conference, grouped by the sessions in which they will take place. The color-coding shows which presentations are in the same session. Remember that each presentation is assigned to two presentation slots, so you will find the same presentation twice in the schedule in different sessions.

You can select your time zone from the drop-down menu on the right, and sessions will be shown to you in your local time.

To find out more about a presentation (including its authors, abstract, and link to the corresponding Slack channel), hover your mouse over a title or click on it.

To add a presentation to your individual schedule ("My Sched"), click on the little checkmark next to the title. To look at your schedule, click on the profile icon and go to "My Sched". You can also export your schedule into Google calendar or other calendar apps. You can visit presentation channels directly from your schedule by clicking on a presentation’s Slack link.